Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies

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A1 The Production of the ›Others‹: (De-)Thematizing Migration-Related Difference

Prof. Dr. Julia Becker

Julia Becker, Foto: Simone Reukauf

Social Psychology
Osnabrück University

The project analyses the production and maintenance of (non-)migrantised figures and associated prejudices at the individual level. Through a series of mainly quantitative social psychological substudies, it investigates the individual and socio-political motives for the use of three different diversity strategies – ›multiculturalism‹, ›colour-blindness‹ and ›deconstruction‹ – and the influence they have on the production of (non-)migrantised figures and associated prejudices. The project also includes methodologically reflexive studies on the possible reproduction of prejudices in and through questionnaires.